My struggle
Most of us, who came from decent family backgrounds and neighborhoods may be heard of school bully but if you have never involved in one, you may not have an exact idea what it is like. My first time getting bullied was during my first year in kindergarten. For more than ten five years old kids were kicking and stomping on me while I curling up to hide my head and stomach on the floor at the corner of the classroom. The beating lasted for about twelve seconds but it felt like years. From that, I suffered from a broken skull and nose, bruises all over my body from head to toe. I was bloodied all over my body, with dirted and torn shirt. That was not the only time that happened in my life. It happened again and again. I was broken physically and sometimes mentally. You may ask how and why that happened? Have I done something wrong? Reviewing this event after twenty-five years, I will have to say I did nothing wrong. I was just like you, thinking where I did wrong but to...