
Showing posts with the label #Homo sapien #Evolution #survivorship #modernhuman #Neanderthal #Cromagnon #warfare #community #power #Asian #European #worldview #HumanNature #humanity

Survival of Homo sapien

When we discoursed over the survival of Homo sapien , there is no way we can leave out  Cro-Magnon and Neantherdal . Whether you believe in God or not, it is preposterous to deny the existence of dinosaurs, neither do the hominids , who exist concurrently with our ancestors during the ice age. How do we know this? The answer is from the fossil remains. A conservative preacher may try to convince you that devil leaves the bones there to confuse your faith but if we let such kind of reasoning infiltrate our intelligence, we may give way to more brainy manipulation. Just because it goes contrary to our spiritual beliefs doesn't mean it was wrong. Psychologically, we recognized this cognitive bias , which happens when a person favors over a piece of information that supports their existing biases or beliefs. We, humans, are curious about certain truths but equally petrified of being refuted. Thus, often, we are there to guard our ideology not because of our reasoning but because ...