Who spilled the first blood?

                                                                       PC: GraceCheongg

In the Bible, the book of Genesis, Cain killed Abel because of his jealously towards Abel that his sacrifices to God were accepted. That marked the first murder in the Bible, also believed to be the first murder in human history. If that is true, this story is probably also analogous to the first kill of our close sister species, the other primates that once roamed on the same planet Earth with us. 

I am a geologist and had the chance to visit several prehistoric sites of primitive human and primate-like species. Most of the caves were decorated with paints of hunting and herding, and most of the caves show signs of systematic burial of decease. It is hard to imagine that these species have lifestyle and intelligent levels close to us though they're skeletally different from us, for example, with different brain sizes. Neantherdal has a smaller skull or brain size, sturdy body structure, and probably unable to raise their arms high. Therefore, we could argue that they are stronger but intelligently inferior compared to us. Cro magnon, on the other hand, has a completely different level of intelligence judged from their skull sizes that are bigger than the modern human. 

It is hard to imagine how it was like to live with other intelligently competitive, similar-like species on earth. However, they were plenty of proof that we once lived together and even had war with one another and this eventually led to their extinction. Of course, your church probably doesn't want you to know this and claim that God created the first human, Adam from clay, and there is no evolution, and they are just apes like species with no intelligence but lived purely with their instinct to justify the killing. However, there is evidence that these primates made their own clay pots and weapons and had a systematic community supporting each other when in need. In combination, they are probably stronger and more intelligent than us, yet they lived in a small community. Unlike humans, we understood our limitations. In general, we're more fragile and inferior intellectually. Therefore we chose to live in a bigger group. But out of jealousy, we chose to eliminate those who shared the earth's resources with us. 

"There are human-made spearhead marks found in the skulls of Neantherdal and Cro-magnon."

Some of the people argued could it be that "they" who initiated the war. It is unlikely because they were living in a small group, and there is no reason to justify why they would choose to attack a bigger group of humans. Therefore, it is safe to say that we humans were once "Cain," and we chose to kill "Abel" because we were not favored by God-the Nature, who accepted Abel's sacrifice. And perhaps we're still Cain today.

After the other equally competent primates disappeared from the earth, we started to find the sign of war between our fellow human species. And we're still doing it today.

By living in a bigger group and with cumulative knowledge inherited from our ancestors, we humans dominated the world, but we never had enough. Though we killed "Abel," yet we can't find "favor" from our mother nature. We started exploitation like never before, and often times nature fights back. Today, the smallest organism on the earth had given us tough times for almost two years, and we still see no hope of coming out from that. Covid-19 marked an apocalypse in the human timeline, yet many failed to contemplate the etiology because we lost connection with nature. 

This sounds a little like a conspiracy theory, but in the book "Sane Society" written by Eric Fromm in 1955, he suggested that we humans had detached from nature when we became humans. Humanity may sound like a nice word, but it merely means the way of humans, which is never a good thing for nature.


We decided to choose our own path to go against nature or go on our own way and marked a beginning for the human journey. With no reconciliation with nature, we became empty inside us. This emptiness needs to be filled, and we humans filled it with the incessant pursuit of materialism, exploitation, empty faith, and the self-justified relationship between humans. We made our own religions and thought they were good, but it merely part of our humane journey.

Why is it important for us to talk about this? It is because to understand the 21st century and the 5Fs I talked about in my previous blog post, we need to first understand the nature of humans. The 21st century is a "humane era." We formed the world we see today through cumulative knowledge passed down from our ancestors and shaped the world according to it. We thought that we are appointed to manage the world, but very few of us willing to discover the etiology behind this psychology. However, this is important before we talked about the 5Fs!

Till then!


  1. A superb writing. Your views on considering modern human as selfish since its existence is thought provoking. Lion and tiger live in the same habitat and supports ecological balance but our existence is decorated as survival of the fittest. Hope this pandemic can teach us coexistence and we walk on nature's path.


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